Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Happy Accident

A few years ago I worked at a coffee shop in Bloomsburg that shall remain nameless. It was a really strange business, the owner lived outside of Washington DC but ran a small time coffee/Birkenstock/Burt's bees shop in Central PA (basically this store should be in Vermont). One of the nice parts about the job was I got to bake a lot, one of the worst was getting paychecks and being told not to cash them or having the check dated for the next week, also running out of coffee for a day or two was not unheard of. I stopped working there for some of the obvious reasons listed, and an injury. However, I really enjoyed baking.

Since quitting that job I hadn't really baked anything in several years. I didn't really have a reason to, and I really just bake to play with the Kitchen Aide anyway. That mixer is fun, and we got one for our wedding. So I decided to make some Oatmeal Cookies with craisns, flax seeds, and chocolate chips the other day. The cookies are pretty great.

One problem, when making the dough I accidentally doubled the baking powder. I thought "Shit, there I've ruined a whole batch of delicious cookies!" Oh no, it just made them into bigger delicious cookies. The baking powder spread the cookie dough to make some huge cookies, about the size of the Alternative Baking Co. cookies. So if you want to making some huge oatmeal cookies put in some extra baking powder. I don't think it would work with a standard chocolate chip recipe, as it might get a little cakey. But, who knows? Give it a try, and see for yourself.


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